Saturday, July 14, 2012

Goin' Yard

I play on a couple of softball teams over the summer.  Awesome game.

I play on a men's league team and on a co-ed team.  For some reason that I can't really explain, this season I just am not hitting on my co-ed team.  I lead my men's league team in a bunch of statistical categories, but I can't seem to carry it over to co-ed.  It makes no sense, since my men's league's talent level is much higher than in my co-ed league, so the D is much worse.

In any case, this past week my girlfriend decided to come out and watch my co-ed game.  My girlfriend can be aloof and easily distracted sometimes.  This, and she really isn't into sports in the slightest.  Regardless, she came to watch.  So, naturally, I wanted to put on a show.

This day I had been hitting the ball hard all game.  A lot of hard hit balls, with nothing to show for it.  Story of my life in this league it seems.  Until my next at-bat.

I launch a moon shot that still may not have landed yet...  I trot around the path and cross the plate, returning to the bench feeling pretty good about myself.

I sit next to my girlfriend on the bench and I say, "You see that?"

She says, "No.  Why?"

2 for 5 Regards,

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